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Sarah Havens is a Cutter/Draper, Milliner and Crafts Artisan with roots in Louisville, Kentucky. Her resume spans many years of experience in the areas of theater costume and craft work as well as related employment outside of the traditional theater environment.  She has always sought art and costume related experiences as far back as she can remember, from puppetry for an inner-city elementary school Christmas parade, to forty hats for the Metropolitan Opera. Costuming became a passion for her when she was an undergraduate in a costume shop work study job. She began working at theaters and took classes that gave her a strong foundation in designing, stitching, and pattern making. Her experiences have allowed her to work with some of the most well-known designers, like Susan Tsu, and interesting businesses, like The Big Nazo, Creature Puppeteer and S&S Fabric Products, makers of custom yacht interiors. She is also an entrepreneur of a millinery business, where she has designed and made custom hats for the last 15 years.

Currently she received an MFA in Costume Technology at the University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 
Recently with financial support from a grant she received from the Hoeing Theatre Scholarship and made outfits for a Creature Puppet Company called Big Nazo.  She is excited about their next project that will involve making a cut away tailored frock coat that will light up using wearable lights. The goal with this new project is to pursue and share innovative ways to light up clothes.  For the latest progress on the project look on her new Instagram account @wearable_lights.


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